Pulau Ubin Stories Workshop, 3 Jul 2009, 7pm
from Pulau Ubin Stories
Chek Jawa Boardwalk trip 28 Jun
from Adventures with the Naked Hermit Crabs
Life History of the Great Orange Awlet
from Butterflies of Singapore
Peaceful Dove mating
from Bird Ecology Study Group
Tanimbar Corella eating golden shower fruits
from Bird Ecology Study Group
Dead fish at Kranji beach: Poisoned by polluted waters?
from The Lazy Lizard's Tales
The glory and the sad end of a giant tree
and coastal erosion from The Lazy Lizard's Tales
Playing with Critters: Cleaner Shrimp
from The Right Blue
Global-Warming Tipping Point
9 Degrees Temperature Increase Would Devastate Earth's Population from The Daily Galaxy: News from Planet Earth & Beyond