‘Wild Animals’ is the most comprehensive account of Singapore’s wild animals ever produced in one volume. Almost all terrestrial vertebrates currently occurring are described and illustrated in brilliant habitat photographs, all taken in Singapore.
A total of 180 species are covered, including 38 mammals, 87 reptiles, 25 frogs and toads, and 30 freshwater fishes. There are additional chapters on how and where to find wildlife in Singapore, as well as a revised checklist of all non-avian vertebrates ever recorded in the country, including those extinct, introduced or of indeterminate status.
With images contributed by 28 local photographers, project coordination by Nick Baker and Kelvin Lim and generous sponsorship by Aabar Petroleum Investments, this publication is truly a team effort.
Profits from the sale of this book go to the Vertebrate Study Group of the
Nature Society (Singapore).
The book will be available from 29 March at $25 from Nature Society (Singapore) and $29.95 from Nature's Niche.
NEW Publication: Wild Animals of Singapore
posted by
Ria Tan
3/04/2008 10:40:00 AM
labels latest-publication, new-publication, singapore