As opposition wanes, a Malaysian land reclamation project pushes ahead
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Ria Tan
7/03/2019 10:45:00 AM
labels best-of-wild-blogs, singapore
nelson benjamin The Star 3 Jul 19;
JOHOR BARU: Most chemical factories in Pasir Gudang have committed offences under the Environment Quality Act, according to State Health, Culture and Heritage Committee chairman Mohd Khuzzan Abu Bakar.
He said out of the 90 factories inspected by the authorities, 81 were found to have committed at least one offence under the Act.
“The Department of Environment (DoE) has issued 71 compounds, four notices and six warnings to them to cease operations.
“The inspection is ongoing,” he told a press conference yesterday.
There are at least 252 chemical factories in Pasir Gudang.
posted by
Ria Tan
7/03/2019 10:36:00 AM
labels global, johor-water, pollution
andy chua The Star 2 Jul 19;
SIBU: The Sibu branch of the Royal Malaysian Customs Department foiled an attempt to smuggle pangolin scales and raw bird's nest to Peninsular Malaysia using courier services.
State Customs director Datuk Sharifah Halimah Tuanku Taha, in a statement Tuesday (July 2), said officers at the Sibu airport cargo division had, on June 25, become suspicious of a box from a courier company.
Upon checking, it was discovered that the box contained 31.9kg of pangolin scales and 1.98kg of bird's nest with a market value of RM9,900.
She said the pangolin scales had an export value of between RM12,500 and RM20,000 per kg.
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Ria Tan
7/03/2019 10:33:00 AM
labels global, pangolins, wildlife-trade
Antara 2 Jul 19;
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT) uses weather modification technology, better known as artificial rain, to overcome drought and forest and land fires (karhutla) in the Riau region. "We are using weather modification technology for karhutla in Riau," said Head of the BPPT Center for Weather Modification Technology Tri Handoko Seto when contacted by ANTARA here Monday.
The BPPT had also received requests from regions such as South Sumatra to use the same technology to stimulate acceleration of rain formation in an effort to prevent and overcome land and forest fires, Seto said.
In addition, the Jakarta administration submitted a request to utilize the technology to overcome air pollution, according to him.
posted by
Ria Tan
7/03/2019 10:27:00 AM
Antara 2 Jul 19;
The concern of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government for watershed rehabilitation is very good
Banjarmasin, S Kalimantan (ANTARA) - South Kalimantan could be an example of the implementation of a national watershed rehabilitation program, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Director General of Basic Management and Forest Protection, Budoyo, said.
"The concern of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government for watershed rehabilitation is very good," he said after the opening of the Business-Based Watershed Recovery Movement National Workshop in Banjarmasin, Tuesday.
South Kalimantan has a very good concept of rehabilitation, and is followed by the government including the governor, his ranks, and the wider community, he added.
posted by
Ria Tan
7/03/2019 10:26:00 AM
Pratch Rujivanarom The Thaiger & The Nation 2 Jul 19;
A hawksbill sea turtle which was found washed ashore Pattaya’s Na Jomtien Beach is just the latest victim of the Thailand severe marine debris problem .
The Royal Thai Navy’s Sea Turtle Conservation Centre found the rotting carcass on Chon Buri’s Na Jomtien Beach on Sunday. An autopsy reveals that the turtle’s stomach was full of plastic trash and bits of fishing net.
posted by
Ria Tan
7/03/2019 10:25:00 AM
labels global, marine, marine-litter, marine-plastic, sea-turtles
Investigation exposes how Brazil’s huge beef sector continues to threaten health of world’s largest rainforest
Dom Phillips and Daniel Camargos in São Félix do Xingu, Andre Campos in São Paulo, and Andrew Wasley and Alexandra Heal in London
The Guardian 2 Jul 19;
The cows grazed under the midday Amazon sun, near a wooden bridge spanning a river. It was an idyllic scene of pastoral quiet, occasionally broken by a motorbike growling on the dirt road that cuts through part of the Lagoa do Triunfo cattle farm to a nearby community.
But this pasture is land that the farm has been forbidden to use for cattle since 2010, when it was embargoed by Brazil’s government environment agency Ibama for illegal deforestation. Nearby were more signs of fresh pasture: short grass, feeding troughs, and salt for cattle.
The vast 145,000-hectare (358,302-acre) farm is one of several owned by the company AgroSB Agropecuária SA – known in the region as Santa Bárbara. Located in an environmentally protected area, Lagoa do Triunfo is more than 600km (372 miles) from the capital of the Amazon state of Pará on the western fringes of Brazil’s “agricultural frontier” – where farming eats into the rainforest. To get there takes hours of driving along dirt roads and a ferry ride from nearby São Félix do Xingu, a cattle town accessible only by plane until a few decades ago.
AgroSB supplies cattle to JBS, the world’s biggest meat packing company and single biggest supplier of beef, chicken and leather globally, with 350,000 customers in more than 150 countries.
posted by
Ria Tan
7/03/2019 10:24:00 AM
Marlowe HOOD, Patrick GALEY, AFP Yahoo News 3 Jul 19;
Paris (AFP) - The record-breaking heatwave that gripped France last week was made at least five times more likely by climate change, scientists said Tuesday as other data showed that last month was the hottest June worldwide in history.
Compared to weather stretching back more than a century, the three-day temperature peak from June 26-28 in France was four degrees Celsius (7.2 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than an equally rare June heatwave would have been in 1900, the World Weather Attribution (WWA) team told journalists in a briefing.
posted by
Ria Tan
7/03/2019 10:21:00 AM
labels climate-change, extreme-nature, global