Morning Walk At Dairy Farm Nature Park (29 Jun 2019)
Beetles@SG BLOG
The Bamboo Feeders (Part 2)
Butterflies of Singapore
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Morning Walk At Dairy Farm Nature Park (29 Jun 2019)
Beetles@SG BLOG
The Bamboo Feeders (Part 2)
Butterflies of Singapore
posted by
Ria Tan
6/30/2019 09:15:00 AM
labels best-of-wild-blogs, singapore
Felicia Choo Straits Times 29 Jun 19;
SINGAPORE - Bird enthusiasts and nature lovers will soon have more to enjoy in Pulau Ubin, where floating wetlands will be vastly expanded to provide more habitats for various species of migratory birds.
The mangroves at abandoned aquaculture ponds in the south-eastern part of the island will also be restored.
These are part of plans announced by the National Parks Board (NParks) on Saturday, which will also see improved accessibility to Pulau Ubin for wheelchair users.
posted by
Ria Tan
6/30/2019 09:11:00 AM
labels pulau-ubin, singapore
Zhaki Abdullah Straits Times 29 Jun 19;
A new database on Singapore's waters, from its coastlines to the seabed, was launched yesterday by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA).
Dubbed GeoSpace-Sea, it aims to provide comprehensive geospatial data for port and coastal planning, among other things, as well as environmental management.
"It will be something like the SLA's (Singapore Land Authority's) OneMap," said MPA deputy chief hydrographer Jamie Chen, referring to the map service which will provide geospatial data as well as land ownership information.
The MPA's database will help Singapore's waters be used and developed in a safe and sustainable manner, he added.
posted by
Ria Tan
6/30/2019 09:09:00 AM
Channel NewsAsia 28 Jun 19;
SINGAPORE: The import of all bottled drinking and mineral water from Malee Mineral Water has been banned with immediate effect after bacteria was detected in recent consignments.
The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) announced this in a circular addressed to all bottled water importers on its website on Friday (Jun 28).
posted by
Ria Tan
6/30/2019 09:04:00 AM
labels bottled-water, singapore, water
New Straits Times 29 Jun 19;
PASIR GUDANG: Medical experts have urged the authorities to ascertain the concentration level of the ‘anomalous’ gases foundin Pasir Gudang atmosphere.
This ratio, they believe, is the key towards determining the “safe range”, or whether residents have to exercise additional precautionary measures.
Dr Ravindran R. Naidu, who is former president of the Malaysian Medical Association, said the three gases detected in named by the authorities as being present in the Pasir Gudang air should not be treated lightly.
He said the gases, if found in large quantities, could pose not just immediate problems, but also severe respiratory issues.
posted by
Ria Tan
6/30/2019 09:00:00 AM
labels global, johor-water, pollution
Antara 29 Jun 19;
Sampit, C Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Land fires began in East Kotawaringin District, Central Kalimantan, as less rain fell in the past week to make the dry land flammable.
"Today we are putting out land fires that have occurred in an area of about 50x100 meters with an area burned (into the ground) around 20x10 meters," said Head of the East Kotawaringin Fire and Rescue Service, Rihel, in Sampit Saturday. A fire was spotted on Walter Hugo Street, Baamang Barat Village, Baamang District. The location of the burned land is still within the area of Sampit City.
A team of eight firefighters was immediately dispatched to the location after public reports. Although the burning area is an empty field full of weeds, the prompt response of the firefighters helped to quickly bring the fire under control.
posted by
Ria Tan
6/30/2019 08:53:00 AM
Stania Puspa Channel NewsAsia 29 Jun 19;
JAKARTA: For those living in North Jakarta, regular coastal flooding is a fact of life.
Entire communities are inundated, usually in the middle of the month, as the sea level rises around the full moon period. Residents of Kaliadem in Penjaringan, North Jakarta, simply refer to coastal flooding using the Javanese word “rob”.
“(A) big cycle (of flooding) comes once every three months,” said local citizen Bani Sadar when interviewed by CNA.
“Sometimes, it’s a moderate flood, sometimes it’s a big flood. We have (in the past) experienced five days of flooding in a row.”
In the middle of May this year, seawater flooded Mr Sadar’s house. The water level was up to his ankle.
posted by
Ria Tan
6/30/2019 08:30:00 AM
labels global, marine, rising-seas, urban-development
BBC 29 Jun 19;
Japan is about to resume catching whales for profit, in defiance of international criticism.
Its last commercial hunt was in 1986, but Japan has never really stopped whaling - it has been conducting instead what it says are research missions which catch hundreds of whales annually.
But Japan has now withdrawn from the International Whaling Commission (IWC), which banned hunting, and will send out its first whaling fleet this July.
Isn't whaling banned?
posted by
Ria Tan
6/30/2019 08:00:00 AM