Straits Times Forum 5 Jun 09;
I REFER to Mr Jaya Kumar Narayanan's letter on Tuesday, 'Museum needs more space, better access' and would like to thank him for his positive comments on the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research at the National University of Singapore.
Held on May 24, the recent International Museum Day organised by the National Heritage Board provided the museum with a rare opportunity to share our extensive research collection of flora and fauna with the public. The response was overwhelming - the museum hosted some 3,000 visitors that day. This was a record turnout in one day and the museum's staff and resources were stretched thin. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
The university recognises that the museum serves as a valuable resource for biodiversity research and helps to generate interest among the public on important issues of ecology, conservation and the environment we live in. To give the museum the opportunity to expand, there are plans for a new building that could house the museum, together with other teaching and research laboratories at the Faculty of Science. We hope to address the issues of accessibility and space in the near future, so more people can enjoy and appreciate Singapore's rich natural heritage at the museum.
Professor Peter Ng
Director, Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research
National University of Singapore
Our treasure
Straits Times Forum 5 Jun 09;
'NHB should not delegate to NUS the duty of conserving and showcasing our natural history heritage.'
MS JANE LIM: 'The National Heritage Board (NHB) should strongly consider a Singapore Museum of Natural History in planning to build new museums in the Civic District. The museum districts in Washington and London have immensely popular museums of natural history. NHB can work in partnership with the National University of Singapore (NUS) so the public can easily access our valuable heritage. It should not delegate to NUS the duty of conserving and showcasing our natural history heritage. I have fond childhood memories of the flora and fauna exhibits at the old National Museum of Singapore. Our kids should grow up knowing the natural beauty of our urban city state.'
Excellent draw
Straits Times Forum 6 Jun 09;
'A world-class natural history museum seems a perfect fit for Singapore.'
MS KATHERINE MURRAY: 'I refer to Mr Jaya Kumar Narayanan's letter on Tuesday, 'Museum needs more space, better access', and a subsequent letter yesterday calling for a natural history museum for Singapore.A world-class natural history museum seems a perfect fit for Singapore. First, the natural history of Singapore and the surrounding region is rich and fascinating. Second, climate and the environment are key issues in the 21st century. Third, Singapore has an ever-growing reputation for educational excellence, scientific research and care for the environment. And fourth, a natural history museum would be an excellent draw card for tourists and would complement existing museums in the Civic District.'
Related article
Natural history needs more room in Singapore
Prized exhibits are now tucked away at NUS, and space is also running out
Victoria Vaughan, Straits Times 4 Jun 09;
Plans to expand museum at NUS
posted by
Ria Tan
6/05/2009 09:20:00 AM
labels singapore, singapore-biodiversity, singapore-general, singaporeans-and-nature