Best of our wild blogs: 13 Apr 08

The Return of Mr Stonefish
at the Kusu Island Reefwalk on the blue water volunteers blog

Chek Jawa with TeamSeagrass
a new site set up for a rare seagrass on the wildfilms blog, more encounters on the nature scouter blog and ramblings of a peculiar nature and teamseagrass blog and budak blog

Low hanging flowers of Chek Jawa
some pretty flowers on the wildfilms blog

Updates on Chek Jawa study
Grain size distribution analysis at Chek Jawa on the CJ project blog

Rare coastal plants discovered on Ubin
on the flying fish friends blog

Changi intertidal tour
with sighting of green knobbly sea star on the manta blog

Chek Jawa walk
on the tidechaser blog

What should you do when you come across a displaced chick?
Pick it up? Leave it alone? Or what? discussed on the bird ecology blog