Best of our wild blogs: 26 Apr 08

Star studded Cyrene
A new record for Singapore and fabulous sea stars of this amazing reef on the wonderful creations blog with MORE echinoderms on the nature scouter blog and the real stars of Cyrene on the wildfilms blog

Ah! Who can resist the call of Cyrene...
fabulous sightings on the Ramblings of a Peculiar Nature blog

Cyrene: Desert Oasis in the Sea
on the leafmonkey blog and more beautiful photos on the budak blog about stars and urchins and crustaceans

Hantu spawning check
not much sex but lots of sighting including sea turtle! on the colourful clouds blog and hbing's blog

Shark sighting
and coral spawning at raffles lighthouse on the urban forest blog

Semakau guided walk
with international students on the tidechaser blog and the discovery blog

Avian Kama & Sutrajee
on the bird ecology blog

Teamwork for Turtles
WWF-Malaysia's Terengganu Turtle Conservation Programme on the wildasia website