Best of our wild blogs: 17 and 18 Jul 10

Life History of the Anderson's Grass Yellow
from Butterflies of Singapore

Singapore restaurant serves another giant endangered grouper
from wild shores of singapore

TeamSeagrass at Semakau and driftnet removal
from teamseagrass and wild shores of singapore

"Hunter seeking" at Semakau
from wonderful creation

Raptor Sightings
from Life's Indulgences

The "Know 10 trees" stamp issue and belukar blooms on the Flora & Fauna definitives from Habitatnews

Two Yellows @ Lornie Trail
from Beauty of Fauna and Flora in Nature

Chestnut Avenue
from Singapore Nature

Cyrene Reef with TeamSeagrass
from teamseagrass and wild shores of singapore

Guides of Singapore shores: Reefs and rubble
from wild shores of singapore

Observations on feeding behaviour of Lineated Barbet
from Bird Ecology Study Group

Feeding Spotted Dove: 4. The eyelids
from Bird Ecology Study Group

A week spent joining the dots
from BBC NEWS blog by Richard Black