New gecko species found in Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge 13 Sep 10;

Scientists have discovered a new species of gecko in the Phu Quoc National Park, last week’s issue of Zootaxa, an international animal taxonomy journal, has reported.

It was found in a forest near the Tranh stream on the island and is believed to be endemic to the park.

The new species has been named Cyrtodactylus phuquocensis sp. nov. Ngô, Grismer & Grismer after the three scientists – Vietnamese zoologist Ngo Van Tri, “Reptile King” L. Lee Grismer, a world-renowned US herpetologist, and his son Jesse – who found it.

Geckos are small to average-sized lizards found in warm climates throughout the world and are unique among lizards for their chirping sounds during social interaction with other geckos.

Source: SGTT/Tuoi Tre