Antara 16 Dec 10;
Vienna (ANTARA News) - The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) considers Indonesia as well as Jordan and Vietnam as countries ready to develop nuclear energy for power generation , an Indonesian diplomat said.
"The IAEA`s support is additional political motivation for Indonesia to build a nuclear power plant," Indonesian Ambassador to Austria I Gusti Agung Wesaka said here Wednesday.
Indonesia already meets all the preconditions to build a nuclear power plant except for public acceptance and a political decision, the ambassador said.
"Bangka Belitung won`t be able to make a move without a political decision from the central (government). Meanwhile, Vietnam has started by establishing cooperation to build a nuclear power plant with Russia," he said, referring to the results of an IAEA study titled "Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review 2009" which focused on the preparedness of developing counties to build nuclear power plants.
IAEA Director General Yukia Amano was very enthusiastic in describing Indonesia`s readiness to build a nuclear power plant and hoped to visit Jakarta in the near future.
Bangka Belitung Governor Eko Maulana Ali said his province was ready to support the implementation of a nuclear power project by providing a suitable location for it in the proovince, either in Bangka Selatan or Bangka Barat.
He said Bangka Belitung needed enough electricity to improve its people`s welfare.
"We hope that the government will also build an electricity transmission system connecting Java with Sumatra and Bangka Belitung so that a nuclear power plant in Bangka Belitung could contribute to power supply nationally," he said.
He called on the Bangka Belitung people to support the plan to build a nuclear power plant in the province.
The National Nuclear Power Agency (BATAN) has surveyed 70 locations across the country in its search for suitable nuclear power plant sites. It eventually shortlisted 14 locations, and from this number it had selected the best four which included Ujung Bumi (Jepara), Banten, and Bangka Belitung. (*)
IAEA considers Indonesia ready to build nuclear power plant
posted by
Ria Tan
12/17/2010 07:00:00 AM
labels asean, global, nuclear-energy