The Star 9 Sep 12;
MERSING: The Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, said today the RM22bil Mersing Laguna project that would have placed Mersing on the world tourism map had been cancelled after the developer failed to fulfil a condition in the agreement.
He said the developer, Radiant Starfish Development Berhad, had failed to raise the paid-up capital to RM200mil within six months as required under the agreement signed on Feb 25 this year.
"Owing to the failure, the project is hereby cancelled," the sultan said at the 47th anniversary celebration of the Special Forces Regiment at the Iskandar Camp here on Saturday.
Sultan Ibrahim said he himself had performed the ground-breaking for the mega project on April 14.
The project was to have involved the construction of hotels and resorts, a marina, a water theme park and shopping malls.
It was to have also involved land reclamation to create three manmade islands.
The first phase was to have been completed in seven years.
The sultan said he would monitor developments in Johor to ensure that all development was successful and benefited the people and state. - Bernama
Johor Ruler: Mersing Laguna developer failed to fulfil condition
Nelson Benjamin 9 Sep 12;
MERSING: The RM22bil Mersing Laguna project has been cancelled because the developer failed to fulfil a condition in the agreement, announced Johor Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar.
He said the developer, Radiant Starfish Development Berhad, had failed to raise the paid-up capital to RM200mil within six months as required under the agreement signed on Feb 25 this year.
“Owing to the failure, the project is hereby cancelled,” the Sultan said, adding that he himself had performed the ground-breaking ceremony for the mega project on April 14.
The project was to have involved the construction of hotels and resorts, a marina, a water theme park and shopping malls. It was to also involve land reclamation to create three man-made islands.
The first phase was to have been completed in seven years.
The Sultan said he would monitor all development in Johor to ensure they were successfully carried out and benefited the people and state.
Meanwhile, palace officials confirmed that Radiant Starfish Development Bhd chief executive officer Ungku Safian Abdullah died on Friday in Kuala Lumpur from health complications.
In his speech at the Special Forces anniversary day celebrations at Kem Iskandar here yesterday, the Sultan also reminded arms suppliers, including retired army personnel and generals, not to raise the prices of equipment supplied to the armed forces.
He said that arms suppliers should ensure the quality of the equipment supplied.
“There have been cases of army personnel, including generals, who become businessmen after retiring. I hope they supply equipment which meet the standards and specifications as I value the life of our soldiers, especially special forces personnel,” he said.
He also urged the Defence Ministry to control and scrutinise all purchases.
“Nobody should take advantage of the situation for personal gains when acquiring equipment for the Special Forces,” he said, adding that recently four Rapid Intervention Vehicles (RIV) were purchased for RM2.76mil or RM690,000 each.
During the event, Sultan Ibrahim displayed one of the RIV vehicles and another personal vehicle that he purchased for RM150,000.
“Which of these will be your choice? I do not understand why government purchases involve exorbitant charges that do not make sense,” Sultan Ibrahim, who is also a Colonel in the Special Forces, said.
Sultan Ibrahim scraps Mersing project
New Straits Times 9 Sep 12;
MERSING: Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar yesterday announced the cancellation of the RM22 billion eco-tourism Mersing Laguna project yesterday, that was aimed at transforming Mersing from a sleepy coastal town into an international tourist destination.
The project was cancelled because its developers failed to increase the paid-up capital to RM200 million within the six-month stipulated time, thus breaching the agreement and causing the project to be void.
"In the agreement signed on Feb 25, one of the conditions was for the developer to increase its paid-up capital within six months," Sultan Ibrahim said.
Sultan Ibrahim is also the commandant colonel of the special force regiment -- the Special Service Group, based at the Iskandar Camp here.
In his speech, in conjunction with the regiment's 47th anniversary celebrations, Sultan Ibrahim said he had graced the Laguna Mersing project's ground-breaking ceremony on April 14.
"During the launch, I had promised to keep watch on the project development to ensure it would be carried out smoothly.
"Based on the report I received, the developers had failed to fulfil the conditions in the agreement, causing the project to be void automatically," he said.
Sultan Ibrahim also advised the government to practise caution when reviewing and accepting proposals for development projects.
"Johor is developing rapidly. It is open to developers who are really committed and have the needed skills and capital.
"Anyone who wants to make a fast buck, or find easy alternatives to make profit, please go somewhere else. There is no place for people like that in Johor," Sultan Ibrahim said, adding that any development in Johor must benefit the people.
The ruler also said it was his responsibility to safeguard the state and its people, thus the need for drastic measures whenever necessary.
Mersing Laguna was supposed to be fully completed by 2020.
The project's master developer, Radiant Starfish Development Bhd's chief executive officer Ungku Safian Abdullah, died on Sept 7, and attempts to contact its vice-president (special projects) Mohd Yusof Taib were unsuccessful.
The developer's website is also not active.
Malaysia: Johor Sultan says Mersing Laguna project cancelled
posted by
Ria Tan
9/09/2012 09:30:00 AM
labels global, marine, urban-development