Antara 31 Dec 12;
Pekanbaru, Riau (ANTARA News) - A local non governmental organization said conversion has significantly cut the size of Riau`s tropical forests over the past several years.
In 2009-2012, at least 500,000 hectares of forests have been converted mainly into industrial timber estates (HTI), the Riau Forest Saviour Network (Jikalahari) said here Monday.
Jikalahari coordinator Muslim Rasyid mainly blamed industrial timer (HTI) companies for the rapid process of deforestation in Riau.
Muslim accused companies of committing extra-ordinary crime causing the loss of natural forests in the province.
Research by Jikalahari, showed that in the past 10 years there were cases of illegal logging and corruption in the forestry sector yet unsettled until today.
The condition was worse with the absence of regional regulation on layout and conflicting licenses in forest land management.
Editor: Maryati
Indonesia: Riau`s forests shrinking
posted by
Ria Tan
1/01/2013 09:18:00 AM
labels forests, global, urban-development