Straits Times Forum 21 Sep 13;
WE ARE sorry to hear of Mr Larry Quah Chai Koon's unfortunate accident ("Dangerous obstacles along MacRitchie trail"; Forum Online, last Saturday).
We regularly carry out trail maintenance work to remove large rocks and fallen tree branches. But it is not feasible to remove all the rocks and cut all branches and roots of trees along a trail in a nature reserve.
We remind everyone to take extra care when exercising at nature trails.
Wong Tuan Wah
Director (Conservation)
National Parks Board
Dangerous obstacles along MacRitchie trail
Straits Times 14 Sep 13;
ON JULY 12, I was exercising at the MacRitchie nature trail when my foot struck a protruding stone. I lost my balance and flew forward, crashing onto my left shoulder. I fractured my left collarbone, cracked two ribs and suffered multiple lacerations on my body.
The incident happened at a downhill segment of the trail, leading to the TreeTop Walk and parallel to the Singapore Island Country Club service road. This stretch is not only undulating but also full of short tree stumps, protruding roots and stones.
I have heard of other accidents along this trail that left visitors injured.
Feedback has been given to the National Parks Board but it seems that no action has been taken to clear the obstacles.
I understand that the nature trail has to be left untouched as much as possible, but maintenance should be undertaken to remove protruding stones, branches and roots that may pose a danger to visitors.
Larry Quah Chai Koon
Take extra care when exercising at nature trails
posted by
Ria Tan
9/19/2013 09:33:00 AM
labels forests, singapore, singaporeans-and-nature