Siau Ming En Today Online 8 Sep 14;
SINGAPORE — A survey to look at how Singaporeans shop for, eat, cook and dispose of their food will be conducted by the National Environment Agency (NEA), as part of efforts to cut the growing amount of food waste here.
Commissioned by a working group formed to look into reducing food wastage, the survey will try to capture both qualitative and quantitative data on consumer behaviour — shopping, cooking, eating and catering habits — that may lead to wastage, the types of food being wasted and why they are being thrown out, among other things.
Targeting about 1,000 respondents, the survey — expected to be completed next month — will also try to identify consumers’ knowledge and attitudes towards food wastage, the NEA said in the tender documents put up on Aug 20. “It will help the (working group) to scope its outreach programme and refine target audiences,” said the NEA and the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) in a joint response to queries.
Last year, Singapore dumped 796,000 tonnes of food waste, a 13.2 per cent increase from the 703,200 tonnes in 2012. Food wastage also took up 10 per cent of the total wastage by Singapore last year.
While food recycling rates in Singapore rose for the second consecutive year in 2013, last year’s rate was still below the 16 per cent of food waste recycled in 2010.
In the tender documents, the NEA said the manufacturing, retail and consumer segments generate the largest amounts of food waste. “At the retail and consumer segments, the working group recognises that operational characteristics of retail and consumers could be influenced by consumer behaviour,” it said.
Formed in 2012 by the Inter-Ministry Committee on Food Security, the Food Wastage Reduction Working Group is jointly chaired by the NEA and AVA and includes representatives from agencies such as the Economic Development Board and the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources.
“To address the rise in the amount of food waste, the (working group) has engaged stakeholders such as food manufacturers, hawkers, hotel operators, retailers and non-governmental organisations to better understand the factors contributing to food wastage,” said the NEA.
The contractor commissioned to conduct the survey will have to propose recommendations on food wastage based on the findings and, where possible, propose initiatives and mitigating measures to reduce wastage.
Speaking to TODAY, Ms Lynda Hong, the Singapore Environment Council communications manager, said this survey would allow for a better understanding of where Singapore stands in terms of food wastage and recycling. She added it was also crucial to understand the extent of food wastage along the supply chain — such as in production and the retail sector.
Mr Eugene Tay, director of Green Future Solutions, hopes that besides this survey, more data will also be collected to identify the amount of food waste generated by different sectors. Currently, statistics here only reflect the annual amount of food waste.
Without the breakdown, Mr Tay noted that campaigns or outreach programmes will not be as targeted and it will be tougher to track their effectiveness. Siau Ming En
Govt study to tackle food wastage
Samantha Boh The Straits Times AsiaOne 10 Sep 14;
Tonnes of food go to waste every day and the Government wants to know why and how this can be reduced.
It has commissioned a food waste survey and plans to interview 1,000 Singaporeans aged 18 and above. The study, which hopes to tackle the country's worsening food wastage problem, is expected to be completed by next month.
According to tender documents obtained by The Straits Times, the study will look at respondents' shopping, cooking, eating and catering habits.
Those surveyed will also be asked how much and what type of food they waste and why.
What will also be examined is consumers' knowledge of and attitudes towards food wastage, and to identify ways to motivate people to waste less food.
Last year, Singapore generated 796,000 tonnes of food waste, an increase of 13 per cent from the 703,200 tonnes dumped in 2012.
This is the sharpest spike in at least six years.
The study will be managed by the Food Wastage Reduction Working Group, which was set up in 2012 to come up with recommendations and initiatives to address Singapore's food wastage problem.
The National Environment Agency, which co-chairs the group with the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority, said the survey will help the working group "scope its outreach programme and refine target audiences".
It added that the aim is not only to raise awareness of the importance of reducing food wastage, but also to emphasise individual responsibility in cutting down on food waste.
Singapore Environment Council spokesman Lynda Hong said the survey will help the authorities understand the extent of food wastage along the supply chain, from the time food is produced till it reaches consumers.
- See more at:
Survey to examine Singaporean habits to cut growing food wastage
posted by
Ria Tan
9/08/2014 10:25:00 AM
labels food, reduce-reuse-recycle, singapore