Audrey Tan Straits Times 20 Dec 15;
SINGAPORE - Hong Kah North constituency in Bukit Batok has launched a new initiative to further reduce its carbon footprint, doing its part to support the global climate pact sealed in Paris this month.
Under the initiative launched on Sunday (Dec 20), the constituency will intensify its efforts at getting residents to generate less waste through the 3Rs - reduce, reuse and recycle.
Under the Hong Kah North Towards A Zero Waste Community campaign, the Hong Kah North Grassroots Organisations (GROs) and the Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore (Wmras), which is partnering the constituency, are pushing for change in three areas.
They are: Recycling, reducing food waste and increasing awareness of environmental conservation and environmentally-friendly practices through the setting up of a eco community fund.
The campaign was launched by Dr Amy Khor, MP for Hong Kah North, at the Hong Kah North Community Club (CC) on Sunday.
To promote the recycling of material like newspapers, clothing, metal cans, plastic and e-waste, the constituency has placed four smart bins within the CC.
The smart bins, sponsored by waste management firm Otto Waste Systems, are equipped with sensors that will alert the town council when they are full. On top of that, two additional smart bins for general waste will be placed within the CC.
The smart bins are in line with Singapore's drive to be a Smart Nation, which aims to optimise logistics and collection operations using integrated technological and management solutions.
Dr Khor also visited the nearby hawker centre to urge residents to reduce food waste by not over-ordering.
Lastly, through the setting up of the Hong Kah North Eco Community Fund, the constituency hopes to cultivate a green consciousness among residents, especially students.
Various individuals and companies have contributed $23,000 to the fund so far, part of which will be used to purchase simple composting machines for schools within the constituency. This will help raise recycling rate of food waste - the waste stream with the lowest recycling rate in Singapore.
Said Dr Khor, who is Senior Minister of State for the Environment and Water Resources and Health: "The historic global climate pact is but the first step for all of us to work towards ensuring that we will continue to have a liveable planet.
"We all have to do our part - government, companies, community and individuals - to conserve resources, reduce our energy consumption and contribute toward a reduction in energy intensity."
Hong Kah North rolls out smart bins in green campaign
Audrey Tan, The Straits Times AsiaOne 21 Dec 15;
The Hong Kah North constituency in Bukit Batok yesterday launched a new zero waste initiative, doing its part to support the global climate pact sealed in Paris this month.
Under the year-long pilot, the constituency aims to recycle more, reduce food waste, and raise awareness of environmental conservation and environmentally-friendly practices through a new fund.
The campaign, called Hong Kah North Towards A Zero Waste Community, is a partnership between the Hong Kah North Grassroots Organisations and the Waste Management and Recycling Association of Singapore.
This is the first large-scale project that the association is working on with a grassroots organisation.
To promote the habit of recycling, the constituency has placed four colourful smart bins at the community club. The bins, sponsored by waste management firm Otto Waste Systems, have sensors that will alert the town council when they are full. There will be two smart bins for general waste.
"Because they are attractively done up, people will be motivated to recycle and sort their recyclables," said Dr Amy Khor, MP for Hong Kah North SMC.
The constituency will be expanding its recycling efforts to include electronic waste, such as batteries and unwanted electronic devices, with specialised bins installed in the CC and at Residents' Committee centres.
The constituency hopes to get residents to produce less food waste, by encouraging them not to over-cook or over-order at coffee shops.
A new Hong Kah North Eco Community Fund was also set up.
Part of the $23,000 in the kitty will be used to purchase composting machines for schools in the constituency.
The funds would also be used to fund green projects proposed by students, with each successful project receiving up to $2,000.
Dr Khor, who is Senior Minister of State for the Environment and Water Resources and Health, launched the partnership yesterday. She said: "The historic global climate pact is but the first step for all of us to work towards ensuring that we will continue to have a liveable planet.
"All of us should do our part - Government, companies, community and individuals like all of us - to conserve resources, reduce our energy consumption and contribute towards a reduction in carbon emissions."
Hong Kah North resident Vivian Lim, 40, a housewife, welcomed the initiative and said she will use the new bins.
"The green efforts at the schools will also teach my nine-year-old daughter how to be environmentally friendly," Madam Lim said.
Hong Kah North launches campaign to encourage residents to go green
Smart bins that can alert cleaners when they are full will be installed in parts of the constituency.
Nadia Jansen Hassan Channel NewsAsia 20 Dec 15;
SINGAPORE: The Hong Kah North constituency is ramping up efforts to encourage residents to be more eco-friendly, generate less food waste and reduce carbon emissions, Senior Minister of State for the Environment and Water Resources Amy Khor said on Sunday (Dec 20).
Under an initiative launched on Sunday, the Hong Kah North Grassroots Organisations will install smart bins in parts of the constituency. Alerts via text messages or email will be automatically sent to companies and cleaners when the bins are full. This helps save on manpower and reduce carbon footprint as the bins are only checked when required.
To intensify efforts at getting residents to generate less waste, recycling bins will also be placed in the Hong Kah North Community Club, said Dr Khor, who is the MP for the constituency.
Also launched on Sunday was the Hong Kah North Eco Community Fund, with a sum of S$23,000. The fund aims to help develop environmentally-friendly habits among young residents. Schools in the area will be able to tap on the fund if they have proposals for green projects.
An average of 20,600 tonnes of waste is generated every day in Singapore.
- CNA/cy
Hong Kah North launches 'zero waste' campaign
posted by
Ria Tan
12/21/2015 10:28:00 AM
labels reduce-reuse-recycle, singapore