Jakarta Post 3 May 16;
Despite rain still pouring over a number of regions, and even causing flash floods and landslides, the provincial office of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysical Agency ( BMKG Jambi ) claims the transitional season has now arrived for the province.
BMKG Jambi head Nurangesti Widyastuti said the transition from the rainy to the dry season, was expected to take place from May 2 to June 2. “This year, the nature of the dry season is not the same as last year. This year will be more normal,” said Nurangesti on Monday.
It will be different from 2015 because the El Niño weather phenomenon caused extreme drought.
According to Nurangesti, the dry season starting did not mean there would not be rain, as rain will still likely occur but with lower intensity compared to the previous months.
To anticipate the change, the Jambi Disaster Management Agency ( BPBD Jambi ) stated that drought this year would not happen simultaneously.
In some parts of Jambi, the dry season will arrive sooner and rainfall will be lower, but in other regions, rainfall is predicted to remain high in early May, so people are asked to be on alert for possible flooding.
BPBD Jambi head Arief Munandar said drought would begin in eastern Jambi, such as Jambi city and East Tanjung jabung, West Tanjung jabung and Muaro jambi regencies in early May. “However, in the west, rainfall will remain high,” he said.
Indonesia: Dry season arrives in Jambi
posted by
Ria Tan
5/04/2016 02:59:00 PM
labels extreme-nature, global