Channel NewsAsia 4 Sep 16;
SINGAPORE: The Pollutants Standard Index (PSI) for the next 24 hours is forecast to stay in the Moderate range, the National Environment Agency (NEA) said on Sunday (Sep 4).
As of 5pm, the 24-hour PSI was in the Moderate range at 54-71 and the 1-hour PM2.5 concentration fell within Normal. There were thundery showers over parts of Singapore on Sunday afternoon, said NEA in its media release, adding that showers were also observed in parts of central and southern Sumatra.
Only one hotspot was detected in Sumatra on Sunday "due to a partial satellite pass and cloud cover", the agency said. "There was no visible smoke plume or haze observed," it added.
NEA said that for the next few days, showers are forecast over parts of Sumatra and the surrounding region, and the likelihood of Singapore being affected by transboundary haze is low.
"Given the air quality forecast for the next 24 hours, everyone can continue with normal activities,", it added.
- CNA/hs
Air quality expected to be moderate on Monday; low chance of haze: NEA
posted by
Ria Tan
9/05/2016 10:50:00 AM