Channel NewsAsia 24 Nov 16;
SINGAPORE: The monsoon season is expected to start in late November, said the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) and PUB in a joint statement on Thursday (Nov 24).
The northeast monsoon season is common in the southern ASEAN region and comprises of a wet and dry phase. The wet phase – from December to January – is characterised by short-duration moderate to heavy thunderstorms mostly in the afternoon, and extending into the evening on some days.
There is an average of 18 days of rain in December and 13 in January, the agencies said.
There may also be two to four episodes of monsoon surges – periods of prolonged, widespread, moderate to heavy rain lasting between two and five days, occasional windy conditions and cooler temperatures.
In contrast, the dry phase from February to March typically brings less rainfall and drier weather conditions.
During the northeast monsoon season, MSS said it will issue heavy rain warnings when intense rain or prolonged monsoon rain is expected, in addition to regular weather forecasts and warnings.
Members of the public can monitor the risk of flash floods at PUB’s website.
In preparation for the monsoon season, officers from PUB have distributed advisories to around 600 residents and shop owners in low-lying and hotspot areas. The advisories have tips the public can take to protect their belongings and premises against possible flash floods.
About 100 major construction worksites have also been checked to ensure that the rains around the sites are free-flowing. PUB added that it is working with agencies and town councils to ensure drains and canals across Singapore are kept functioning effectively.
The National Environment Agency has also increased the frequency of its checks and clearing of drains.
Drainage improvement projects are currently on-going at 76 locations. Drainage improvement works to the Sunset Way outlet drain are expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2017, while works at Kallang River – between Bishan Road and Braddell Road - are expected to be completed by the fourth quarter of 2018.
PUB added that it also has plans to start drainage upgrading at 26 locations by year-end.
- CNA/ek
Monsoon season to start in late November
posted by
Ria Tan
11/26/2016 10:17:00 AM