Rizal Harahap The Jakarta Post 6 Mar 17;
After four days of flooding, overflowing rivers in Kuantan Singingi regency, Riau, have paralyzed daily activities in several areas.
The regency’s education agency recorded that 19 schools had told students to remain at home to stay safe.
“Water inundates classrooms and schoolyards, and also the streets nearby. It will be hard for the children to come to school,” agency head Jupirman said on Monday.
Of the 19 schools, 17 were elementary schools while the remainder were junior high schools.
Schools located in Pangean district were flooded on Saturday and Sunday, but the water receded on Monday, enabling students to attend classes.
Kuantan Singingi Agriculture Agency head Maisir said at least 946.36 hectares of rice fields had been inundated, with Pangean the worst hit.
“If this continues over the next two days, our next harvest may fail,” he said. (wit)
Indonesia: Floods force students to stay at home, put harvests at risk in Riau
posted by
Ria Tan
3/07/2017 10:14:00 AM
labels extreme-nature, global, water