T.N.Alagesh New Straits Times 23 Jun 17;
A male panther, locally known as 'harimau kumbang', was found dead along Jalan Sungai Yu-Merapoh near here yesterday. Pic by STR/MOHD RAFI MAMAT.
LIPIS: A male panther, locally known as 'harimau kumbang', was found dead along Jalan Sungai Yu-Merapoh near here yesterday.
State National Parks and Wildlife Department (Perhilitan) director Ahmad Azhar Mohammed said the carcass of the protected animal was recovered some eight kilometers from the Sungai Yu eco-viaduct (wildlife crossing) about 10am on Thursday.
He said checks revealed the adult-sized panther might have been hit by a heavy vehicle between midnight and early yesterday before some villagers stumbled upon the carcass.
"The animal sustained injuries on the head and this is the first incident reported along the stretch near Sungai Yu in Lipis," he said.
Images of the panther has gone viral on social media with many expressing concern for the safety of the endangered species especially when they roam close to the main roads at night and early morning.
On June 19, a two-year-old elephant was found dead by the roadside of the Gerik-Jeli Highway in Gerik, Perak after a motorist crashed into the calf about 2.30am.
Malaysia: Fatal accident claims life of endangered panther
posted by
Ria Tan
6/24/2017 11:46:00 AM
labels big-cats, global, human-wildlife-conflict