Channel NewsAsia 16 Jun 17;
SINGAPORE: Brief thundery showers are expected to bring some respite from the June heat in the second half of the month.
Six to eight days of short thundery showers can be expected mostly in the late morning and afternoon, the Meteorological Service Singapore said in a media advisory on Friday (Jun 16).
Widespread thundery showers with occasional gusty winds are also expected between the pre-dawn hours and morning on one or two days.
However, rainfall for June is nevertheless likely to be below normal, and the daily maximum temperature could still reach a high of around 35°C on a few days, the Met Service said.
On most days, the daily temperature is forecast to range between 25°C and 34°C.
Singapore saw dry and warm conditions, particularly in the first week of June, with the highest daily maximum temperature of 34.9°C logged at Chua Chu Kang on Jun 5.
It was hot at night as well - on most days, the Changi climate station logged night-time temperatures between 25.8°C and 28.3°C, well above the long-term climatological June
mean minimum temperature of 25.4°C.
The warm nights were due to warm and humid air over the sea being blown towards land by the prevailing winds, the Met Service said.
Most parts of Singapore saw below-normal rainfall in the first half of June, with the Changi area receiving the lowest rainfall of 8.6mm, which was 87 per cent below average.
Rainfall was highest in the Chua Chu Kang area, which logged 116.3mm of rain - 36 per cent above average.
More rainy days expected in second half of June: Met Service
posted by
Ria Tan
6/17/2017 05:46:00 PM