Jon Afrizal The Jakarta Post 19 Oct 17;
The central government, through the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), has given Rp 4 billion (US$ 295,836.11) in financial aid to the Jambi provincial administration for the handling of land and forest fires.
Jambi Governor Zumi Zola said he hoped all relevant stakeholders use the fund optimally when the time came.
“There is zero tolerance for land and forest fires. We suffered Rp 12 trillion in losses in only three months in 2015. We won’t let that happen again,” Zumi said on Thursday.
The funds have further been disbursed to the Garuda Putih 042 Military Resort Command (Korem), which got Rp 298.1 million; the Jambi Police (Rp 232.8 million); the East Tanjungjabung regency administration (Rp 481.2 million); the West Tanjungjabung regency administration (Rp 295.2 million); the Muarojambi regency administration (Rp 172.9 million); the Batanghari regency administration (Rp 443.3 million); the Tebo regency administration (Rp 587.2 million); the Sarolangun regency administration (Rp 501.3 million); and the Merangin regency administration (Rp 297.5 million).
An officer from the Mount Rinjani National Park Agency tries to put out the fire burning in some areas in the park on Oct. 9. The agency said that up to 12 hectares of land in the national park had been burned.
An officer from the Mount Rinjani National Park Agency tries to put out the fire burning in some areas in the park on Oct. 9. The agency said that up to 12 hectares of land in the national park had been burned. (Courtesy of TNGR Agency/file)
“Sometimes, fires occurred in difficult-to-reach areas, where the personnel chose to go on foot with their equipment. This shows their commitment and I appreciate that,” Zumi said.
Meanwhile, Jambi Disaster Mitigation Agency head Bachyuni Deliansyah said a memorandum of understanding was signed by relevant stakeholders to set out their respective duties and job descriptions. (dra/bbs)
Indonesia: Jambi gets Rp 4 billion for land and forest fire prevention
posted by
Ria Tan
10/20/2017 07:40:00 AM