Jose Hong Straits Times 4 Oct 17;
SINGAPORE - Pollution monitoring systems in Singapore are set to be given a boost.
The National Environment Agency (NEA) with Spring Singapore on Wednesday (Oct 4) jointly launched a search for proposals to tackle two issues.
First, they want to develop remote, real-time and cheap sensing systems to monitor the output of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter (PM) emissions from diesel vehicles.
Second, they want to be able to monitor and trace odours that are generated through industrial activity.
Singaporean firms, institutes of higher learning and research institutes are eligible to submit their proposals, with details coming online soon on the NEA website.
This comes under the Gov-Pact initiative, which stands for Enhanced Partnerships for Capability Transformation to drive Government Lead Demand.
The announcement came during the CleanEnviro Summit Singapore Catalyst 2017, held at One Farrer Hotel and Spa.
Opening the event was Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli, who spoke about the need to push for "Industry 4.0" - a "fourth industry revolution" which features the innovative integration of data analytics, automation, manufacturing and products.
Underpinning Industry 4.0, he said, was the pursuit of the circular economy, premised on continuously regenerating and recycling the materials that we use, to reduce waste production and ensure sustainability.
NEA and Spring Singapore seek proposals for systems to monitor pollution
posted by
Ria Tan
10/05/2017 11:05:00 AM
labels pollution, singapore, sustainability, transport