Channel NewsAsia 29 Aug 18;
SINGAPORE: A 43-year-old man has been fined S$5,000 for importing a bird without a licence, said the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) and Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) in a joint news release on Wednesday (Aug 29).
Hairolhisham Sa’don was caught on Feb 9 at Woodlands Checkpoint.
ICA officers who stopped him for checks found a live Red-whiskered Bulbul cramped in a paper packet, which was placed in a drawstring pouch and hidden in a handbag.
Immigration officers at Woodlands Checkpoint found a live Red-whiskered Bulbul cramped in a paper packet, which was placed in a drawstring pouch and hidden in a handbag. (Photo: AVA)
"The manner of transportation caused unnecessary suffering to the bird," said the authorities, adding that the bird has since been placed under the care of Wildlife Reserves Singapore.
In sentencing Hairolhisham, a second charge of failing to ensure that the animal was not subjected to unnecessary suffering was taken into consideration.
"Animals that are smuggled into Singapore are of unknown health status and may introduce exotic diseases such as bird flu into the country," cautioned the authorities.
Anyone found guilty of the offence may be fined up to S$10,000, jailed up to 12 months or both.
Source: CNA/aa/(gs)
Man fined S$5,000 after bird found stuffed in paper packet at Woodlands Checkpoint
posted by
Ria Tan
8/30/2018 08:57:00 AM
labels birds, singapore, wildlife-trade