Antara 21 Sep 18;
Dumai, Riau, (ANTARA News) - The Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG) has allocated Rp2.3 billion (US$155 thousand) for the construction of infrastructure for peatland restoration in Dumai and for the local community`s social and economic revitalization in 2018.
Head of BRG Nazir Foead noted that peat rewetting will involve the local community.
"We have allocated Rp1.5 billion ($101 thousand) for the development of 47 canal blockings and Rp800 million ($53.9 thousand) for the people`s social and economic revitalization," Foead remarked during a peatland restoration kickoff in Medang Kampai, Dumai, on Thursday.
Riau has been one of the seven priority provinces in the country`s peatland restoration program, and on July 14, the agency had signed an agreement with the provincial administration on the planning and implementation of peatland restoration.
The 10 canal blocks will be built in Kampung Baru Village, nine in Teluk Makmur Village, and 28 in Mundam Village, among others.
In 2017, the agency had built 400 artesian wells in Riau, 41 of which were built in Dumai.
"The construction of canal blocks is aimed at maintaining the peatlands in a wet condition. The total budget for the construction of peat restoration infrastructure in Riau has amounted to Rp34.2 billion ($2.3 million) in 2018," he remarked.
Peatland rewetting has become a solution to preventing land fires in addition to applying the no-burning land clearing practice, he added.
Reporting by Abdul Razak
Editing by Sri Haryati
Editor: Yosep Hariyadi
Indonesia: BRG allocates rp2.3 billion for peatland restoration in Dumai
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Ria Tan
9/22/2018 09:14:00 AM