Antara 12 Jun 19;
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Waves as high as six-meters might be seen in Indonesian waters during the next four days, according to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).
Head of BMKG Public Relations Taufan Maulana said here on Wednesday that the agency forecasted waves with heights of four to six meters in West Mentawai up to Bengkulu waters, as well as in the seas west of Lampung, and in part of the Indian ocean running from west Mentawai to Lampung.
The southern section of the Sunda Strait, the southern waters of Java island to Lombok island, Bali Strait-Lombok Strait-the southern part of Alas Strait, and the Indian Ocean in the south of Java to Lombok also should expect waves ranging from four to six meters high.
Waves 2.5 to four meters high are forecast to occur on waters in northern Sabang, western Aceh, western Simeulue Island to Siberut Island, the Indian ocean in the west of Aceh to Nias, South Sumbawa waters, Sumba Island, Sawu Island, the Indian Ocean in the south of Sumbawa to Sumba, and the Arafuru Sea.
Maulana explained that high waves are caused by wind patterns in the northern equator, which regularly blow from the east and south at speeds of 4-15 knots, and from the south of the equator, which commonly blow from east to southeast at speeds of 4-25 knots.
BMKG predicted that the highest wind speeds will occur in the waters of Enggano Island to southern Java, Sawu Island-Rote Island, Timor Sea, Banda Sea, waters of Sermata-Tanimbar Islands, waters of southern Kei Islands-Aru Islands, Arafuru sea, and in the waters of Yos Sudarso-Merauke.
Reporter: Desi Purnamawati, Yuni Arisand
Editor: Eliswan Azly
Indonesian waters facing possible six-meter high waves
posted by
Ria Tan
6/13/2019 07:39:00 AM
labels extreme-nature, global, marine