BBC News 15 Dec 10;
Invasive non-native species such as the grey squirrel and Japanese knotweed cost the British economy £1.7bn a year, a report has suggested.
Researchers said crops, ecosystems and livelihoods can be damaged when such species take hold. The study found that the rabbit was the most economically damaging species, followed by Japanese knotweed.
The research was conducted for Defra, the Scottish government and the Welsh Assembly Government.
'Significant impact'
The cost was significantly higher at £1.3bn in England where invasive non-native species have become more established.
The price was put at £251m in Scotland and £133m in Wales.
The cost to British agriculture and horticulture was £1bn alone, according to the research carried out by international scientific organisation Cabi.
Other damaging species included the rat, the house mouse and the mink, and plants such as the rhododendron and giant hogweed.
Defra Minister Richard Benyon said: "Invasive non-native species have a significant impact on the British economy and damage our own wildlife.
"The costs of controlling these species will rise unless society takes steps to prevent them taking hold and spreading."
'Serious threat'
He added: "It becomes increasingly difficult and costly to control invasive non-native species as they become more established.
"Taking early action may seem expensive, but this report shows that it is the most effective approach, saving money in the long run and helping our native wildlife to thrive."
Scottish Environment Minister Roseanna Cunningham said: "We all know about the serious threat to our native wildlife from invasive non-native species, and this report confirms the huge cost to businesses and individuals in Great Britain every year."
Welsh Environment Minister Jane Davidson said the assembly government was "committed to protecting and enhancing our biodiversity and to understanding its relationship with, and impact on, our economy".
Rabbits named Britain's most costly invasive species
Britain's 40m rabbits cost more than £260m a year in damage to crops, businesses and infrastructure, report says
James Meikle The Guardian 15 Dec 10;
They were introduced to Britain by the Romans, are hated as pests and celebrated in children's books. Britain's estimated 40m rabbits cost the economy more than £260m a year including damage to crops, businesses and infrastructure, a report says today.
Their near 2,000-year survival as a non-native species makes them the costliest natural invader, according to research for the English, Scottish and Welsh governments by CABI, the international agriculture and environment organisation.
Japanese knotweed, introduced in the mid-19th century as an ornamental garden plant, has had far less time to rack up its own costly threats to the economy as it colonises roadsides, riverbanks and derelict land.
The total cost of such invasive species now reaches £1.7bn a year, mostly to the English economy, more than £250m in Scotland and £133m in Wales.
But the report also provides justification for the high costs of controlling non-natives. It is estimated that the current eradication programme for water primrose, a group of South American aquatic weeds which grow rapidly and can block waterways, will cost £73,000 – significantly less than the estimated £242m it would cost if the weeds were to become widely established as they have in in countries including France and Belgium.
Eradicating the grey squirrel, the North American 19th-century import which has put the native red in peril, may no longer be possible, the report concedes. An attempt to remove the species from Anglesey alone has so far cost £440,000. A conservative estimate puts the cost of a similar programme across Britain at £850m.
Even that would be relatively small if the Asian long-horned beetle, a wood-boring menace from Japan, Korea and China, and now threatening North American trees, became established in this country. The report suggests it would cost over £1.3bn to remove it from hardwood forests alone, let alone clear it from parks, gardens and hedgerows.
Richard Benyon, minister for the natural environment, said: "Invasive non-native species have a significant impact on the British economy and damage our own wildlife. The costs of controlling these species will rise unless society takes steps to prevent them taking hold and spreading."
"It becomes increasingly difficult and costly to control invasive non-native species as they become more established. Taking early action may seem expensive, but this report shows that it is the most effective approach, saving money in the long run and helping our native wildlife to thrive."
Roseanna Cunningham, Scottish minister for environment and climate change, said: "A better understanding of the negative impacts of invasive non-native species can help us raise awareness to help prevent introductions in the first place and to better respond to problems."
Top 10 economic menaces
Rabbits £263m a year
Japanese knotweed £179m
Common field speedwell/wild oat £100m
Rat £62m
Potato cyst nematode £50m
Non-native deer £35m
Varroa mite (a parasite of bees) £27m
Floating pennywort £25m
House mouse £18m
Grey squirrel £14m
Non-native species cost British economy £1.7bn
posted by
Ria Tan
12/15/2010 07:20:00 AM