Kimberly Yeo Straits Times 1 Jun 18;
SINGAPORE - JTC has pledged its support for Singapore's Year of Climate Action 2018 as part of the company's 50th anniversary celebrations.
The state-owned industrial property developer's pledge on Friday (June 1) encompassed commitments that aim to optimise energy and water use efficiencies, cut the carbon footprints of new estates and use more solar energy to reduce grid dependency and the burning of fossil fuels.
It will also partner with the National Parks Board and other businesses to increase green coverage and preserve marine biodiversity.
JTC is building on its existing environmentally-friendly practices by developing an Environmental Sustainability Framework.
This will be applied across its properties to further reduce energy and water usage, shrink its emissions footprint and increase clean energy use.
In addition, JTC will partner organisations and communities to improve Singapore's sustainability efforts. One new initiative is JTC's participation in the "Plant-a-Tree" scheme, which encourages community tree-planting to increase green coverage in JTC estates.
"As we look back, it is clear that sustainable development has always been part of the JTC and Singapore story," said chief executive officer Ng Lang.
"On our 50th anniversary, we pledge to build on this legacy by partnering enterprises and communities to make our industrial and business estates greener."
Mr Chee Hong Tat, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry, planted a tree at Jurong Town Hall's Garden of Fame to symbolise JTC's pledge to support climate action.
He also installed a time capsule at Jurong Town Hall to mark JTC's 50th anniversary.
The capsule contained items such as a bottle of sand from JTC's Tuas Reclamation Project, samples of cross laminated timber and glulam (materials used in the construction of the JTC LaunchPad @ one-north), and JTC's Jurong Innovation District master plan. These items showcased JTC's past, present and future efforts.
Mr Chee stressed how JTC needs to continue its efforts to grow and develop the country.
"We are not done building Singapore," he said. "As JTC continues to develop Singapore's industrial landscape for the next 50 years, it needs to remain a world-leader in this area by making good use of technology and innovation to enhance Singapore's competitiveness."
JTC announces new climate action commitments amid 50th anniversary celebrations
posted by
Ria Tan
6/02/2018 02:57:00 PM
labels shores, singapore, singapore-sand, sustainability, urban-development